2hp Snare

Passa da brevi colpi a 909 colpi e riproduce tutti i suoni di rullante nel mezzo

SKU: 48148
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2HP Snare

Passa da brevi colpi a 909 colpi e riproduce tutti i suoni di rullante nel mezzo

Snare goes from short blips to 909 hits and everywhere in between. More than just a typical snare sound, this module is a powerful sound design tool that encourages exploration. 1V/Octave tracking allows percussive melodies with atypical timbres, while snap dials in the texture of the metaphorical membrane. Hit the back beat with Snare.
  • Classic to esoteric snare sounds and blips
  • 1V/Octave tracking
  • CV over all parameters
Download the Snare manual here

Specifiche Tecniche

  • 75 mA +12V
  • 3 mA -12V
  • 0 mA 5V
  • Depth: 42 mm
  • Width: 2 hp


42 mm


2 hp

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