4MS QCD Quad Clock Distributor

Four voltage controlled clock dividers/multipliers

SKU: 18139
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4ms QCD Quad Clock Distributor

Four voltage controlled clock dividers/multipliers

Four voltage controlled clock dividers/multipliers. The clock can be external or it can be tapped with the TapTempo button what makes the module great as a master clock generator. Complex rhythmic patterns are easily achieved by patching multiple channels into each other’s Div/Mult CV and Reset sockets. The module consists of a Tap-tempo generator and four identical color-coded untis that are able of dividing or muliplying the rate of an incoming clock. The divisors and multiplier factors range from 1/32 over 1 to x16 and are voltge controlled. The clock inputs are normalized downwards Tap Out -> Red -> Black -> Blue -> Green. The Tap-tempo generator can run independent even when all channels are fed by external clocks. The channels’ clock outputs stop when the input clock stops. A trigger at the reset socket restarts the according channel and alters the phase of clock. Hint: cascading sevarel channels allows you for higher multiplication and division. Header on the PCB to connect to Quad Pingable LFO (QPLFO) to provide four CV Skew-able, CV Div/Mult-able envelopes Interfaces with QCD Expander for more features (Pulse Width, Inverted Gate, attenuverters for CV inputs)


40 mm


10 hp

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