Manhattan Analog Mutinator

Four channel switched OR

Manhattan Analog
SKU: 20264
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This module is a so-called OR-combiner i.e. a circuitry that mixes trigger and gate signals. The mutinator contains four, partially normalized channels with each two inputs that can be manually routed or muted. It works great in combination with drum modules and several trigger sources like sequencers etc. Each of the four channels has two inputs A and B that can be routed to an output with individual switches. the swithc has three positions: on / off / temporarily on i.e. you can let the signal, you can mute it or you can “inject” it maually. The activity of the according channel is displayed with LEDs. Inputs of channel 1 are normalized to channel 2´s inputs; those of channel 3 are normalized to channel 4. The circuitry is fully active. It has makeup gain to counteract the diode drop on each input as well as a limiter so that it never outputs more than 10v. Watch out: the Mutinator isn´t intended to mix CVs or audio signals.


32 mm


12 hp

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